Life with Ella Ireland

Tu-tu's, hair bows, lot's of glitter, and plenty of shoes!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Religion and Faith

I have struggled my entire life to find where I actually fit in. When I was 17, I followed the LDS religion. I think I did that more to fit in with my peers and surroundings, more then I did it for myself. But now, several years later, I still feel "stuck". Religion isn't a part of my marriage, for I married an Athiest. But the handsome Athiest I did marry is the most wonderful person in the world who respects me and my views. He knows I'm my own person, and if I want to join any certain church, he is fine with that. He knows I am raising Ella to believe in God, and he respects that. But is it enough for her just to tell her that there is a God? I feel like I am missing out, and therefore, so is she. Johnny's mom goes to church on Saturday evenings for mass, and has brought Ella a few times.

I guess I need to decide on what religion I want to be, but that is difficult. I don't believe that there is a hell. I don't believe that there is just "one" true church. I don't believe in fasting for any reason- it just isn't healthy for you! I DO believe in Jesus Christ. I do believe that everyone deserves forgiveness for thier sins. I do believe in ghosts and spirits, and would love to "meet" one someday. I don't understand why good people die young. I don't understand how people that claim to love Jesus and follow certain faiths can be so cruel to non-believers. We are all God's people, what makes someone else better then me? I don't understand how Political leaders in any country are fine with seeing human beings struggle so much financially and medically.

I doubt there is a true church for me, maybe I can just make up my own religion. Would anyone consiter being baptised into the church of Brandiism? And by baptised, I mean sitting in a sidewalk cafe in the middle of Paris, sipping a cappiccino, and catching up on celebrity gossip with a good magazine. My church, my rules :). Wanna join?


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I think there is a great big difference in religion and spirituality. Religion is man-made and it's a good fit for some - it's like a hospital for your soul. However, you can have faith in a higher power and communicate with that power at any time - not just in church. Where there is good there is evil. That's life. All we can do is to try to understand there is a time and a place for everything. You'll sort it out. Go with your heart and not you head. I love you.

Ariad said...

These are the same questions that many of us ask ourselves. Utah grammie said 'go with your heart' it will lead you to your true religion.