Life with Ella Ireland

Tu-tu's, hair bows, lot's of glitter, and plenty of shoes!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stuff and Jeff.....

Not too much going on around here lately. Just cleaning and organizing our place. It's coming along very nicely, if I must say. It's getting easier letting go of old stuff. Stuff I haven't seen, or used in years. I used to be the worst packrat, saving things "just incase". Clothes I am too heavy for, just incase I finally lose weight. That old concert ticket stub from 2002 that I will do what with, when? It feels good to let go of alot of things. I feel like I am living in chaos when we have so much stuff. If we had a bigger place, then maaaaaybe I'd hang on to some of it for a bit longer, but we don't.

OK, so Jeff is getting married ALOT sooner then planned. I am just soooo excited for him, because he seems finally happy. But I am also *very* disappointed that we can't afford to fly out for it. I want SOOOOOO badly to be out there, I am just so upset that they changed the date. Just gives me yet another reason to hate living out here. Jeff is my closest sibling, and I feel so heartbroken we won't be there on one of the most important day of his life :(.

It's 2:52 am and Ella is crying......I'll finish more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

so glad you're feeling good about clearing out "stuff" - although it is a little sad at the same time. But it does feel sooo good! I think that's why I like to go to the dump with Dad - to see all that stuff go flying into that big hole with other people's junk. Cleansing! And yucky.
Jeff will miss you being there. That's why our spening habits must change- to have some "extra" in the bank for surprises like this, huh? I know, I'm the worst of the bunch - but I have slowed WAAAAAYY down over the past year. So, I KNOW you can do it too! Love ya tonzzzzzzzzzzz! Mumsy